Thursday, September 6, 2007

Animation and CartoonsAnimation

Films: Animators are illustrators who draw pictures to instruct, delight and persuade people. Animation films are created by filming sequences of drawings and processing them at high speed so that they appear to be moving. Animation films are usually associated with children's entertainment and with promotional activities. Apart from artistic skill, the animator should possess a keen sense of humour, an eye for detail and fluid imagination and insight. Today with the help of computer aided designing and computer graphics, the laborious work of manually drawing pictures is dispensed with. Multimedia and Animation packages like Adobe Photoshop have been highly enabling to the animator.Animation graphics are used in action films too to stimulate real events that are perilous and life threatening to enact. In the print media the animator is a cartoonist. Cartoonists specialise in caricatures and satiric representations of actual events or people. Political lampooning is the traditional forte of the cartoonist. Cartoonists work for newspapers and journals and as illustrators for books, greeting cards, television shows, corporate publications etc.Training Programmes: The basic qualification for training in this field is successful completion of 10+2/equivalent course. The graduate and post graduate programmes in such disciplines as Fine Arts, Applied Art, Commercial Art, Graphic Design, Animation Design, Visual Communication Design etc. give training in Animation art. Proficiency in Multimedia packages and other relevant softwares are also useful.

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